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Tag: Humor

It's Easier to be a Billionaire than a Millionaire

How to be a Billionaire in Nigeria

Let me start off by saying this is not a motivational post! Alright, so if you’re reading this, it’s most likely because you are just so curious to know if…

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Tale of a Keke Napep Driver

One evening, I and my friend Abraham entered a keke from the Lighthouse cinema in Warri after watching the Antman 2 movie. We occupied the backseat of the keke and…

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My First Time (18+)

18+ only First time is not always easy. There’s usually this tension, this anxiety… Will I be able to do it well? If I flop at it, I might be…

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Short Story: Holy Matrimony

It all starts at the altar, where two holistic persons (Victor and Victoria) with no s£xual experience, weds in Holy Matrimony to become one. What will their s£x life be…

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Short Story: The Outing

“Money fall on you, banana fall on you…”, her iPhone 6 came alive. Sandra picked up her phone and peered her eyes to the screen for the name of the…

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Ericardo Unchained xtended

Ericardo unchained went down January 25, 2019 at the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun (FUPRE), Delta State. It was the first show that rocked FUPRE community this year 2019…

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“Short Story: The Outing (Comedy)”

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